Well folks, I *think* I'm finally caught up. I'm sure I've missed a few things here and there, but considering that at one point I was a good 6+ months behind on our blog, this is pretty major stuff. It is currently the month of July, and I am about to blog about the month of July. And thank goodness! I really wanted to be caught up before the baby arrives so I can blog like mad about how adorable and perfect this baby is. If it ever comes out, of course.
July has been pretty uneventful so far. Mainly because we are in waiting mode. This baby could come at any moment now. Quite literally. So we are just hanging out, trying to keep the house in order and not over do it while I'm 41 weeks pregnant and it is 110+ degrees outside.
Here are just a few snapshots of what we've been up to since July began...
First- my due date came and went. I wasn't at all surprised when it came and went without even a hint of contractions, but I was surprised to find a package in my mailbox that day from KJ's older sister who makes homemade soaps. I'm sure she didn't send them off knowing they'd arrive on my due date, but it was the perfect little surprise to put a smile on my face and make the day a little brighter. Especially when I opened the package and saw all the cutely named soaps! So far we have tried the round one at the top of the photo which is a goats milk soap with lavender and peppermint. I love it! She even included a couple of soaps that are specifically made for baby skin. Can't wait until Little L arrives and I can try out the baby bars on his or her sweet baby skin.
(Lisa's soaps can be found at www.madronasoap.com, for anyone interested.)
As I mentioned in my 40+ week update post, my first official day of being overdue was spent with my friends Amy and Amanda. They treated me to a full blown girls day out. I felt so, so spoiled by the time I got home! We got Starbucks and pedicures, then headed to one of my favourite local spots for lunch. After lunch we shopped for a bit. It was such a great day and a nice way to kick off the longest two weeks of all eternity... or at least that's how being overdue often feels. I don't know what I've done to deserve such amazing friends, but I am so, so blessed, and that has been extremely evident over the past week.

July 4th was pretty much a big dull dud. One of my favourite holidays and we did pretty much nothing at all. I didn't want to plan anything because hosting a big get together while two days "past due" didn't sound like fun to me. Instead, we lounged around all day doing pretty much nothing at all, then went to a local BBQ restaurant for dinner. Best part of the day- the fried pickles. I've been dying for good fried pickles for months and finally found some. Saddest parts of the day- I was really hoping for a July 4th baby and I didn't even see one firework all weekend long. Like I said, it ended up being a dud of a day.
Luckily, things were looking up on Sunday. My wee ones got to wear their cute new 4th of July outfits to church and they looked so stinking cute. I can't get over how adorable they were. Can't wait to add Little L to this bunch and get a new red, white and blue picture to hang on my living room wall.
Monday July 6th was my awesome friend Nicole's birthday. She is another one of my amazing friends that I feel so incredibly blessed to know. She came into my life at a time when I was really, really struggling with feeling lonely, especially at church. Her friendship has been a huge blessing in my life, so of course I had to do something to show my appreciation for her. I decided on cookie dough cupcakes and a LuluLemon gift card, not realizing at the time the irony of the gift! The cupcakes may have been partly selfish... I definitely enjoyed my fair share of rich, cookie dough goodness.

July 7th was Sunshine's final swim meet for the summer. It was a doozy! She got 4th place in her first race, but cut a little time off her swim from the week before, which is what we always tell her is most important. Really, the ribbons don't mean much as she swims against different people each week and even in each race. One race she could be with the 7 best swimmers in her age group and the next, the 7 worst. You just never know. So really, ribbon place is fun, but not a great gauge on her personal improvement.
Her second race of the meet was a special one. She was not paying as much attention as she should have been and didn't kick off when she should have. She probably got into the pool a full second after everyone else by the time she realized what was going on. Her stroke looked amazing, but it was too much time to make up and she ended with 6th out of 8th. It was a good learning experience for being ready and paying attention.
Her third race of the night was the one that took us all by surprise. It was the 100 yard individual medley which is one lap of each stroke- butterfly, backstroke, breast then free. She swam it for the very first time the week before and it took it's toll. Typically her age group only swims 25 yards per race, so to quadruple that really tires the kiddos out. The first week, she swam it in 2 minutes and 12 seconds but looked like she was dying on the last lap especially. We could tell exactly where she lost her steam, she was so worn out. She ended up with a seventh place ribbon, but we were just beyond excited that she had finished such a huge feat for her age.
This week, we prepped her before the medley, reminding her to take it a little bit easier on the harder strokes (butterfly and breast) so she could push herself a little more on the strokes that she really excels in (back and free). We told her to just do her best and then prepared to cheer hard. She was so so nervous but it was the best race we've ever seen from her! She did exactly as we suggested and didn't push herself too much on the harder strokes, then she went full throttle on the ones that she is strongest in. She was in the top three throughout the first three laps but something happened in the last lap and she was neck in neck with the girl in the lane beside her. We were cheering and screaming so loud as she got to the end of the lane and she managed to win by a fraction of a second. First place for our little lady. And she was so exhausted that Bruce had to lift her out of the pool. She could not stop grinning. In two summers of swim team, this was her first first place ribbon and she was just beaming with pride. She cut four full seconds off her time from the week before which in a race of that length is pretty darn impressive. We are so so proud of our little fishy and all she has accomplished in the last year of swim. She works hard and her efforts show.

July 8th ended up being a very busy day in our house. 6 days past the 40 week mark, and it seemed like as good a day as any to do some major rearranging! We've been in the market for bunk beds for the girls room for quite some time. They were struggling with the trundle bed as the girls were able to mess with each other too much and we were hoping bunk beds would separate them enough to help. We moved the trundle into Man Cub's room and kept our eyes peeled for a good deal. We had resigned ourselves to the fact that we were probably going to end up with some IKEA special to get us by when this beauty popped up on a local buy/sell group for just the right price. Bruce and his dad picked it up Wednesday morning and we spent the rest of the day setting it up and moving things around. The girls love their new bed and though it's only been a few days, it does seem to be helping with the bedtime issues. Of course, there is still the up and down needing drinks and potty breaks and who knows what else. But at least they can't touch each other anymore!
A few hours after the kiddos went to bed Wednesday night, I woke them and piled them into the car for the second part of our busy, crazy day. KJ had changed her flight to arrive a few days earlier as we were both so anxious at the thought of her possibly missing the birth of this baby. Her plane arrived at midnight, so the wee ones slept up until about 11:30 when we got into the car and headed to the airport to pick her up. I am so so glad to have KJ here. It's not looking like the baby will arrive any time soon, but having her here has been a huge help so far. She is definitely keeping me sane during a time when I would otherwise be going crazy. Another friend that I am beyond blessed to have!

No pictures from July 9th as it was just a long day of contracting on and off. We spent pretty much the entire day lounging around and resting, just in case it ended up being baby day. No luck... this baby seems to just be a tease. KJ helped me finish packing my bags and making sure everything was in line for when we do go to the hospital. We played with the kiddos and took them swimming at Bruce's grandma's pool. It was low key, which was perfect.
And finally, today, July 10th. Another low key day. We did some lounging. We did some napping. We fed the missionaries dinner, because isn't that what everyone does when they are 8 days past the 40 week mark? (It is when you love your ward's missionaries and one is leaving to go home next week... we had to get in one last dinner appointment before he is gone) Man Cub and I did plenty of snuggling. I think he knows something is up, because he is all about mama these days and unless he is trying to jump on my tummy, I really don't mind.
Now, we just keep waiting for Little L to arrive. We have things going on for the next few days that will help keep us all occupied, though none of them are crucial, so if the baby happens to decide it's time to come, none of us will mind. July has been a good month to us thus far, and knowing that Little L will be arriving soon just makes it that much better.